Fresno State became the latest epicenter of the academic culture wars when Breitbart reported on Saturday about a series of tweets made by a Fresno State instructor. Professor Lars Maischak, a history instructor, tweeted in February about President Trump. Among the tweets the story pointed out:
To save American democracy, Trump must hang. The sooner and the higher, the better. #TheResistance #DeathToFascism https://t.co/DSsV53sbO2
— Lars Maischak (@LarsMaischak) February 18, 2017
These tweets also created an amount of criticism:
#TheResistance Has anyone started soliciting money and design drafts for a monument honoring the Trump assassin, yet?
— Lars Maischak (@LarsMaischak) February 19, 2017
#TheResistance #ethniccleansing Justice = The execution of two Republicans for each deported immigrant.
— Lars Maischak (@LarsMaischak) February 23, 2017
If only Mary had had an abortion! We would have been spared this Clerical-Fascist crap. #HisGlory, my ass!
— Lars Maischak (@LarsMaischak) February 26, 2017
After the news broke on Saturday, Fresno State responded with a series of statements to the media. From Monday (April 10):
“Fresno State understands the deep concerns that have been shared as a result of personal comments made by Professor Lars Maischak, who is a lecturer in the History Department at Fresno State. In response to these concerns, we have conducted a preliminary review to ensure that it is clear that the statements made by him were as a private citizen, not as a representative of Fresno State. Professor Maischak’s personal views and commentary, with its inclusion of violent and threatening language, is obviously inconsistent with the core values of our University.
Our primary concern is for the safety of our students and with providing a conducive learning environment. We acknowledge that our faculty have an obligation to establish and maintain ethical and professional conduct, inside and outside of the classroom.
While Fresno State is committed to state and federal constitutional rights of free speech, the content of statements by Dr. Maischak warrants further review and consideration. The review of these and any other statements will be conducted in the context of rights of free expression, but also for potential direct threats of violence that may violate the law.
The University is taking this matter seriously and handling it in accordance with applicable law and policy, as well as our traditions of academic freedom and the requirements of the faculty collective bargaining unit agreement. The University will fully cooperate with any investigations conducted by Federal officials.”
– Fresno State President Joseph I. Castro
On his Twitter account, Maischak identifies himself as “Teaching American History with a German accent at Fresno State” with a link to his university bio.
On the same day as  the release of the Breitbart story, Maischak commented on his Twitter timeline:
Welcome, Fascist Trolls! Enjoy your moment of self-righteousness.
— Lars Maischak (@LarsMaischak) April 8, 2017
On Sunday (April 10), Maischak responded to much of the vitriol he’s received on social media:
The tenor of the messages I have been receiving lately has done little to dissuade me from the impression that Trump represents Fascism.
— Lars Maischak (@LarsMaischak) April 10, 2017
To publicly accuse a person of a crime in order to incite a digital lynch-mob, is a bit much even for Fascists to justify.
— Lars Maischak (@LarsMaischak) April 10, 2017
To re-state the obvious: I do not intend to harm Mr. Trump, nor do I wish for anyone else to harm Mr. Trump by way of an assassination!
— Lars Maischak (@LarsMaischak) April 10, 2017
I am, however, convinced, given the nature of his regime, that he will be held accountable for his crimes in a court, …
— Lars Maischak (@LarsMaischak) April 10, 2017
… and that historical precedent suggests that a death sentence is inevitable, if democracy prevails.
— Lars Maischak (@LarsMaischak) April 10, 2017
According to his university bio, Maischak teaches five U.S. history courses. This semester, his class is History 11: American History to 1877. GV Wire has confirmed he did receive a doctorate in history at Johns Hopkins University in 2006. He has lectured at Fresno State since the fall of 2006.
A look at Maischak’s Curriculum Vitae from a 2005 dissertation at Johns Hopkins about German-American sea merchants of the 19th Century:
- Born in Bremen, Germany in 1970
- Studied at: Free University of Berlin, Stanford and Johns Hopkins, specializing in history
- Taught at: Free University of Berlin, Loyola College of Maryland, Johns Hopkins
Maischak is rated as a “good” professor from RateMyProfessors.com. He earned a 3.6 out of 5.0. Forty percent of the 58 respondents (all but one ranking from before the April 8 Breitbart article) said they would take his class again. His level of difficulty was determined to be a 1.8 out of 5.
Since the January 20 inauguration, these are some selected Maischak tweets:
Trump’s speech was a declaration of Civil War on humanity. May he and his supporters pay dearly, and soon. #TheResistance #NeverMyPresident
— Lars Maischak (@LarsMaischak) January 21, 2017
He also posted a number of memes showing Trump side by side with Adolf Hitler and Andrew Jackson:
Just because it’s legitimized by popular election, doesn’t mean it ain’t Fascism.#TheResistance #NeverMyPresident pic.twitter.com/aaVyUFxdTn
— Lars Maischak (@LarsMaischak) January 23, 2017
Can you compare Trump to Andrew Jackson? Sure, but not favorably. #TrumpIsNoAndrewJackson #TheResistance #NeverMyPresident pic.twitter.com/IXfQ9XQJJ2
— Lars Maischak (@LarsMaischak) January 23, 2017
#MuslimBan Don’t ban Muslims – ban the @GOP. Biggest mistake we Germans made in 1945 was to let too many Nazis get away scot free,
— Lars Maischak (@LarsMaischak) January 29, 2017
Maischak also criticized Obama:
#TheResistance Obama was the Fascist-coddling, consenus-craving class clown of capital. Dems are ill served by his advice.
— Lars Maischak (@LarsMaischak) February 27, 2017
A call today (April 10) to Maischak’s listed office phone rings to a generic Fresno State phone line.
Contact David Taub
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This story was not subject to the approval of Granville Homes.