Pacific Gas & Electric Co. is alerting customers in the Central Valley to be aware of scam activity with criminals posing as PG&E workers.
Law enforcement reports that individuals claiming to work for PG&E are going door to door to investigate outages of electric and phone service but are refusing to show identification.
There have also been new reports of phone scams with callers demanding payments immediately.
These recent reports have come from the Fresno area but past history indicates that scammers will move throughout the Valley.
Report Suspicious Activity to Better Business Bureau, Police or PG&E
To help shut down these scammers, use this Better Business Bureau link to document suspicious activity.
PG&E reminds customers that its representatives always carry identification and never ask for immediate payment with a prepaid cash card over the phone or in person.
Don’t Become a Scam Victim
Here are tips from PG&E to help protect you from scams:
• PG&E’s Credit Department will not ask for personal information or a credit card number over the phone. Anyone who has received such a phone call and provided credit card or checking account information should report it immediately. Call the credit card company, bank and law enforcement.
• Customers should always ask for an ID before allowing anyone claiming to be a PG&E representative inside their home. PG&E employees always carry their company ID and will show it to you.
• If a person claims to be a PG&E employee and has identification but you still feel uncomfortable, call PG&E’s customer service line at 1-800-743-5000 to verify an appointment and/or PG&E’s presence in the community. If you feel threatened in any way, notify local law enforcement immediately.
• Customers who have a PG&E appointment will receive an automated call back within 48 hours prior to the scheduled visit, or a personal call from a PG&E gas service representative prior to a scheduled visit.
You can learn more about how to avoid scams at this PG&E link.