Despite the promises of the owner of a run-down RV park to fix his facility, nothing has changed. Now, the owner could face tens of thousands of dollars in fines and time in jail.
Mohamed Saeed, the owner of Jack’s Resort RV Park, told GV Wire he would fix his facility when confronted with allegations of a poorly maintained park.
The latest inspection showed that is not the case. Now, his inaction may cost Saeed more than $80,000 a day.
Inspectors Find No Fixes
In April, the California Housing and Community Development Department investigated the RV park after GV Wire reported the squalid conditions there. Investigators found 161 violations, including improper permits to rent spaces, as well as problems with the sewer and electrical systems.
Mohamed Saeed (Jahz Tello/GV Wire Photo)
“The substandard conditions, illegal structures, drain storage tanks, septic drain system, electrical connections, etc. were generally the same conditions previously reported,” the inspection report stated.
According to state documents, Jack’s Resort rented out 50 spaces for its 30440 W. Whitesbridge Ave. (Highway 180), location. The state allows only 20 spaces.
Some Renters Leave, Others Fight Back
After the initial state inspections in late March and early April, Jack’s Resort issued notices for its residents to vacate. According to follow-up interviews GV Wire conducted with those who remain, many did pick up and leave. Others stayed, hiring legal counsel to protect their rights.
Phyllis Marin is one of the residents who sought legal help.
“Nothing has changed. Everyone is asking for their money back,” she said.
Marin is working with her attorney to receive a reimbursement of rent. She says her landlord hasn’t collected since the state’s initial finding of violations in April. Her trailer is in an area of the park the state deemed illegal for rentals.
One More Chance
The state’s latest report requires the park to obtain the proper permits for the remaining 30 spaces, as well as remove fire hazards (trash and excessive dry vegetation), and fix septic drain tanks. The report also requires the owner to remove broken tanks and obtain permits to connect rental spaces to the tanks.
Jack’s Resort has until Tuesday (June 26) to fix the violations, when a re-inspection will take place.
“If corrective action by the park is not taken immediately, additional action against the park will be taken,” the report warned.
The report concludes with a warning that penalties for “willful violations” could lead to a misdemeanor violation and civil penalties of $500 a day per violation. At 161 violations, that could be $80,500 a day. According to state law, a violator also could be subject to 30 days in jail.