With Mexico’s national elections coming up Sunday, July 1, we offer four perspectives on politics there.
Tamara Pearson of New Internationalist begins her piece — headlined “Could Mexico’s election change everything?” — with this grab-you-by-the-throat paragraph:
“It’s being called the ‘most violent’ election campaign in Mexico’s history. One hundred and thirteen candidates and politicians have so far been murdered, up to mid-June. Narcos have set fire to vans. Local candidates are being shot as they take photos with supporters and while speaking at public events.”
You can also check out the Mexico Institute’s 2018 Elections Guide. The site has information on the political parties, candidates and polls.
All Eyes Are on AMLO
Much of the attention has focused on leftist candidate Andrés Manuel López Obrador, who is well ahead in the polls. This is AMLO’s third run for the presidency. Many people — from Mexican peasants to international power brokers — wonder how far left he will steer the country if he wins.
The presidential winner will serve a six-year term, and be sworn in Dec. 1.
Mexico’s 88 million registered Mexicans also will elect 128 senators, 500 deputies of the lower house, as well as governors, mayors, and legislators in 30 of the 32 states.  Senators serve six-year terms, too, and deputies are elected for three years.
The video below is from Financial Times. It takes a look at AMLO’s campaign.
Here’s the Fox News look at the election. Fox assesses the strengths and weaknesses of the top three presidential candidates.
For those wanting a deep dive, here is the Mexican election preview from the Woodrow Wilson Center. Mexico Institute Director Duncan Wood discusses the polling dominance of frontrunner Andrés Manuel López Obrador and talks about other things to look for when Mexicans go to the polls.